Thursday, June 27, 2024
HomeNEWSNaija46Year Old Man Arrested For Attempted Murder, Bike Theft

46Year Old Man Arrested For Attempted Murder, Bike Theft

A 46-year-old resident of Adu Town, Ajebo Road, Mile 6, Abeokuta, for attempted murder by the Social Orientation and Safety Corps otherwise called So-Safe Corps has arrested Ibrahim Ogunrinde in Ogun State Community.

This was according to a press release issued on Friday by the Office of the State Commander of the Corps, Commander Soji Ganzallo, through the Office of Director of Information and Public Relations, Assistant Commander Moruf Yusuf.

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, at about 2:40pmOgunrinde was said to have been arrested at Ijaye Garage, Abeokuta.

The statement stated that “Ibrahim Ogunrinde, a butcher and farmer, had pretended to be a passenger and asked the victim, Kosu Daniel (aka “Jeje”), to take him to Olubo Town on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at noon.

“He then allegedly stabbed Kosu Daniel in the neck and arm, leaving him in a pool of blood, and escaped with the victim’s motorbike.

“The suspect confessed that he was motivated by a desire to eliminate the victim, who he believed had an affair with his wife two months prior.

“He believed he had succeeded in killing the victim, not knowing that Kosu Daniel was rushed to the hospital and is currently receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta.

“The suspect and the recovered motorbike have been transferred to the Nigeria Police Force, SWAT, Magbon, for further investigation and likely prosecution.”


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