Pastor Charles osazuma , founder of Rock of Ages christian Assembly Inc, is the latest Facebook sensation after his Thursday post on his Facebook wall saying” it is a sin to live in a rented apartment”.
He went on to explain that Christians living in rented apartments are sinners because they serve two lords, which are their landlords and Christ, which is a sinful thing to do because God is a jealous God, and will not want us to worship or serve any other God except him.
He furthered encourages his church and everyone to start thinking of investing in a house rather than staying in an apartment, stating that these houses don’t necessarily have to be big and elaborate, or even luxurious, but comfortable because they won’t live on earth or in these houses forever. But it will help them stay away from sin.
He said if they avoid staying in apartments, they avoid sinning too, because as tenants, you are always at the beck n” call of your landlords, willing to serve him at anytime he wishes you too. so you should work towards freeing yourself from your landlord who is your second lord.
He also advised churches staying in rented apartments and houses, to start building or buying their own lands of worship and stop living in sin saying that” Even if its two rooms build it !”..