The 15-year-old from Lesotho, in Southern Africa, was brought to the hospital after experiencing excruciating, sporadic stomach pain that oddly resembled contractions.
When her ex-boyfriend discovered her having oral sex with her current partner, he started a violent “mini war” against her, according to the medical community.
When routine testing showed that these were actually labor pains because she was pregnant, she was completely shocked.
In the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, doctors reported the case. They found the teen had no vaginal opening, an uncommon condition that only strikes 4,000 to 10,000 baby girls.
Theoretically, this would have prevented the teen from becoming pregnant without the use of technology such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).
She was also unable to give birth through her vagina due to the disorder known as vaginal atresia.
The baby, who weighed 6.2 pounds and was healthy, was delivered by C-section as a result.
Due to a report of a Scottish woman who believed she had a ruptured appendix but then found out she was pregnant and gave birth 40 minutes later, the 1988 case has lately come back into the spotlight.
Medical professionals in Lesotho who were caring for the girl at the time of writing were perplexed as to how the teenager got pregnant.
The girl said she saw changes in the shape of her body in the months before the delivery.
However, she “did not believe she was pregnant” since she lacked a vaginal opening and had not experienced penetrative vaginal sex.
She had gone to the hospital nine months prior for a stab wound to her stomach area shortly after engaging in oral sex, the physicians discovered.
She told a nurse at the time that she had been subjected to a violent “mini war” by her ex-boyfriend after he caught her having oral sex with a new partner.
The scientists concluded that the unexpected pregnancy resulted from the sperm she swallowed somehow finding its way to her reproductive organs through her stab wounds.
“The fact that the son resembled the father excluded it as an even more miraculous conception,” they stated.
The fact that gastric acid often kills sperm rapidly and prevents them from fertilizing an egg makes this pregnancy all the more unexpected.
The most “plausible” explanation offered by the medical staff is that the sperm survived since the girl was not eating when the attack occurred.
They think that because of the decreased stomach acidity, the sperm was able to pass through her stab wounds and enter her uterus, where it fertilized the egg.