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HomeEntertainment‘Getting Pregnant For The Right One Is The Hardest Thing Ever’, Says...

‘Getting Pregnant For The Right One Is The Hardest Thing Ever’, Says Princess Shyngle

Gambian actress and movie producer, Princess Shyngle, has revealed that she never knew getting pregnant is the hardest thing ever for a woman.

On Friday the actress disclosed this via her Instagram page on  as she narrated that it is hard for women to get pregnant they are eventually ready and do so for the right person.

According to her, it is very easy to get pregnant when you decide to have a one night stand with someone you do not love.

She went on to state that she is celibate and is not ready for kids yet.

 “I never knew getting pregnant is the hardest thing ever, when you’re ready you can have sex every 3 years and not get pregnant.

“Honestly babies are indeed a gift from God.

“Not trying to get pregnant though just thinking out aloud, I’m still celibate but on the real it’s when you get married or find that perfect baby daddy that’s when pregnancy will  never come oh, but mistakenly have a one night stand or a fling with someone you don’t like or love.”she wrote.


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