Friday, March 7, 2025
HomeMusicGospelSound of the Spirit by Oke Taiwo

Sound of the Spirit by Oke Taiwo

Oke Taiwo is a Prolific and Spirited Song writer and Singer. He ministers the Gospel through songs filled with God’s word and promises all under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
And yet again, the Lord Jesus has quickened his heart to birth and release a new single titled; Sound of the Spirit, it’s a call to intimacy and a deeper realization of all God has accomplished for us in Christ Jesus. Sound of the Spirit was released April, 2021.

click the below to stream and download

lyrics of Sound of the Spirit

He has blessed us
God has blessed us
He has blessed us
and we are blessed

He has blessed us
Yahweh has blessed us
He has blessed us
and we are blessed

He has healed us oh oh oh
He has healed me
He has healed me
and I’m healed

He personally carried our sins on his body on the cross
so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right
by His Word you are healed
and I’m healed

he will heal you,
He will heal you,
He promise to heal you
if you believe

he doesn’t just heals, He Helps
He has helped me
I know he has helped me (Thank you Lord)
he has helped me
I’m helped

God is Our refuge and strenght
A very present help in trouble
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of Grace
that we may obtain mercy and find Grace to help in time of need like these

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Oh You’ve Helped us
you have helped us
Oh… you still help us
and we are helped

He has touched me
he has touched me
Jesus has touched me
and I’m Changed

and there came a leper to Him
Beseeching Him and kneeling down to Him
Saying unto Him, if thou will thou can make me clean
And Jesus moved with compassion
Put forth His hand and touched Him
and sayeth unto him
I will, be thou clean
and as soon as he has spoken immediately
the leprosy departed from him and he was clean
{oh God}
and we are cleansed

He will cleanse you
He will cleanse you
He will cleanse you
and you’ll be clean

he will raise us
he will raise us
He rose on the third day
He’s the ressurected Christ

But God who is reach in mercy
For his great Love where with he loved us
Even when we are dead in trespasses
made us alive together with Christ
By Grace we’ve been saved
and raise us up together
and made us to sit together
in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus

and He has kept us
he’s still keeping us
He is faithful
unto His word

He will keep you
God will keep you
the faithful and the true witness
he never fails

the lord is your keeper
and the lord is your shade
at your right hand the sun shall not smite you by day
Nor the moon by night

they that are with us are more than they that are against us
the Lord of Host surrounds us
He will save {tongues}


He has saved us
he has saved us
He’s the saviour (receive us to the uttermost)

He has saved us
he keeps saving us
He will yet save us(spirit, soul and body)
and we will be saved

the God of my strength in whom i will trust
my shield and my horn of my salvation
My stronhold and my refuge
You have saved me from Violence
You have saved my wife from Violence
You have saved my family from Violence
You’ve saved me from them that are much more stronger than I
He has delivered me from the power of darkness
and has conveyed me into the kingdom of his son of His Glory
Thank you for salvation
and we are saved

Thank you the one who saves to the uttermost
this is the sound of the spirit
Hear the sound of the spirit and Live
Hear the sound of the spirit and run with it
Lord Jesus He’s mighty to save
he is mighty to heal
he is mighty to deliver
he is mighty to save
he is mighty to help
he is mighty to bless
this is what he does
he is the doer of good things

he is faithful
he is faithful
he is faithful
unto his own

Ever faithful
ever sure
ever faithful
unto is own

thank you Jesus….

also watch Settled by Havivah ft Israel


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